Manchester School of Technology

Manchester, NH

Manchester School of Technology is a regional technical school that offers career-related programs to students of Manchester's High Schools, as well as several bordering School Districts - Londonderry, Bedford, and Goffstown.

Since the facility originally opened in 1982, several of the initial program offerings were discontinued and the spaces were marginally modified to accommodate subsequent, new programs. In this project, the existing building footprint of 100,000 square feet was increased by another 27,000 square feet.

Instructional areas were reconfigured to create career clusters and to make use of under-utilized spaces. Programs were enhanced as computer technology was expanded into all classrooms, labs, and shops. A new administration wing was located at the building's entrance to provide increased security and accessibility.

Site circulation and parking were addressed, with a total re-design of how traffic is routed through the site, separating bus traffic from auto traffic. Parking was increased by almost 30%, greatly needed for the facility's evening schedule, when apprenticeship programs and citizenship programs are offered to adults.


Bellavance Beverage


Memorial High School Media Center